Goodbye, flying spaghetti. Hello tasty content.

Photo by @domas_life

Photo by @domas_life

When I'm uber-stressed, I don’t reach for chips. I microwave one can’s worth of Chef Boy R Dee Spaghetti and Meatballs – in a soup bowl – for three and half minutes.

Where did this crazy comfort food habit come from? My mother. Chef Boy R Dee was my go-to breakfast as a kid. My mom didn't know how to cook (she only learned how to boil water when she was 24). She also worked full-time and had to commute an hour each way every day, so our morning routine needed to be speedy.

She heated that piping hot bowl of canned pasta to perfection. Steam danced lightly off the top. Meatballs and gummy noodles were hiding somewhere underneath a soup of orangey sauce. I'd take my fork and dive in looking for treasure. 

If you're cringing at at the thought of eating canned spaghetti for breakfast, imagine what you audience thinks every time you serve spaghetti in your marketing. You know, the "I don't know what to write about, so let's fling spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks" kind of content. Side note: Have you ever tried to get spaghetti to stick to a wall? It doesn't. Who came up with this expression anyway?)

So, how do you write tasty content instead? Ahh...put on your chef hat.👩🏾‍🍳

Here's Danielle Leslie's framework for creating TASTY content: 

T = Teaches

A = Action steps

S = Solves a problem

T = Transforms

Y = answers their Why "Y"

Here’s an easy prompt you can try the next time you’re cooking up content for your marketing. Ask yourself, "what are the top 5 questions you get asked over and over about your area of experience?" Jot them down.

If you’re an executive coach, it’s “How to I built a stronger sense of trust across my team?”

If you’re an eco-friendly interior designer, it’s “How do I remodel my home in a way that supports the planet?”

Use the TASTY framework to answer this question in a way that teaches, suggests useful action, solves a problem, transforms their mindset, or answers an important "why" in their heads. Think about a quick win you can offer your audience in one post.

Like this blog post. ;)

Give TASTY a try, and say goodbye to flying spaghetti.


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