3 Signs Your Message Needs Sprucing Up This Spring

Confession: I felt kind of “wilty” through March. Until my husband Jim decided to plant a scallion from the grocery store in our backyard…just to see what would happen. 

You know, the green onions you buy in a bunch for a dollar, then chop and sprinkle into a stir fry or an omelet to make it a little fancy. 

Three weeks later, the leftover cut-up bulb he planted did THIS...

Who has ever heard of scallion flowers? It was just the moment of delight and surprise I needed to reawaken my imagination again.

If your message has felt “wilty,” here’s the truth: even the most captivating marketing message can lose its magic with time. 

Here are 3 signs to help you determine if it’s time to refresh your messaging:  

Sign #1: You’re bored or tired of talking about your work.

If you feel “meh,” about your message, then your audience will feel “meh” too. Take it as a good sign that you’ve outgrown your story. A fresh angle on your message might be just what you need to reignite joy in your marketing for you and your audience. 🌺


Sign #2: Your business isn’t growing, but not in the direction you hoped.

Many founders and coaches have evolved their businesses in response to COVID. If you’ve made a pivot that your clients or community doesn’t know about yet, you may be growing revenues for your “old” business at the expense of your new one. A pivot story creates an instant bridge that draws your audience naturally towards your new offer. 🚀


Sign #3: You’re procrastinating on communicating with your audience.

When I catch myself moving deadlines, it helps to determine my motive. The most common reasons founders and coaches procrastinate in messaging are: a) story has gone stale; b) disassociation from your Why; or c) lack of clarity about your brand or your audience.


If any or all of these signs are cropping up for you right now, I’m excited to share a unique opportunity with you… 

For a limited time, I’ve opened up my “secret menu” of 1:1 Power Hours to help you spruce up your message this spring!


You can book a Power Hour to:  

  • Brainstorm new concepts and messages for a marketing or fundraising campaign

  • Craft a “pivot with purpose” elevator pitch that instantly draws people to your new offer

  • Generate 10+ story ideas for your blog or social media platform

  • Refresh messaging on a high-traffic web page such as: homepage, about page, or sales page for greater conversions

  • Fine-tune your signature talk and make it TedX worthy

  • Hone or validate your marketing strategy

Power Hours are usually reserved for custom clients and Own Your Message students – which requires a major investment. 


This is a rare opportunity to tap my brand storytelling expertise on your project starting at $250. 


I can’t wait to help you craft messages that surprise and sprout like scallions for your business. 


Not grocery store scallions. THESE scallions...

Image of my husband Jim holding a giant scallion that's half his height.

How about them scallions?

(April and May 2022 only)


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